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Williamson County Amateur Radio Club FAQ

When and where does the club meet? 

The club meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Williamson County Jester Annex, 1801 East Old Settlers Blvd., Round Rock, TX.  Meetings are typically an hour an a half and include a presentation, a short refreshment/social break, followed by the club business meeting

How do I join? 

To join the club, click the "Membership" button at the top of the page and select the membership plan you would like.  You may also join the club at a club meeting by filling out a membership application and paying your annual dues to the treasurer. 

Membership plans are $10 for individual or $15 for family. 

Do I need an amateur radio license to join? 

General membership is open to all licensed amateur radio operators.  Limited memberships are available to those who do not have a license or are in the process of gaining their license.  Limited membership does not include privilege to vote or hold office.  Limited membership can be converted to general membership upon the issuance of a ham radio license.  Dues for both memberships are the same. 

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